Thursday, May 23, 2013

Summertime Ice Skating is an (almost) Oxymoron We Can Live With

First off, we would like to welcome our new Mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti.  We hope the coming years will be prosperous and beneficial to all of LA LA land!

The topic of last week's blog is sort of bleeding onto this one, considering we we've come down with ice skating fever here at Danny's Warehouse!
The walls abound!

 Our old costume room is now the Ice Skating Room aka. Figure Skating Room.
We have so much great skate apparel right now.  I say "right now" because all good things must come to an end, and everything is being sold so quickly.  We still have some size small adult ice skating dresses; the rest are children's sizes.  There is a fantastic variety of skating skorts still available, too.

No such thing as too blingy!

Last, but not least, WE RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF VINTAGE FIGURE SKATES! And, yes, we are selling them in-store for only $10!  They are high quality vintage skates by Riedell.  Here is a list of champion ice skaters From Wikipedia who wear Riedell skates: 
Pretty impressive, huh?  Well if you don't think so, you must not skate!  We also have a FULL size range of Over The Boot skating tights in nudes and black in both adult and child sizes, only $5 each. ZOMG! 

The Tower of Skates.
And, of course, Leo.

Parisian Fashion model-like.
Las Vegas showgirl style.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Contribution to the Sartorial Aspects of Ice Skating and Odd Days Out

The most normal thing about today was the Hump Day delivery, even though that is but a coincedence, also.
Strange days happen once in a blue moon (ok, maybe a little bit more often than every two or three years, but you know, hyperbole and colloquialisms!)
This is what has happened so far (and we've only been open an hour and fifteen minutes!):
First, a peahen, female peacock, greeted Danny at the front door this morning.  What a special treat.  We don't know much about her, except that she could fly, seemed healthy, and didn't care to stick around too long.  Pretty sure she was not interested in purchasing a leotard, but, peacock, please know, you are welcome anytime!

What shall we name her if she returns?

Then the delivery truck came and delivered extraordinarily majestic skating dresses (not hyperbole!).  These are fine quality dresses for skating by the French Canadian company called Mondor.  The unusual part is that they are $20 each, still a rock bottom bargain considering they are triple the price at other retailers.  Yup, only 20 USD for these fine pieces of craftsmanship (or craftswomanship!).  They will not be available online, so if you see one you like, give us a ring and see if we have it in your size!
Front of sparkly purple dress
Back of sparkly purple dress

High quality stretch velvet.
This one is by Body Wrappers.
The array.
Did I forget to mention the plethora of ice skating skorts?

The delivery truck broke down in the alley, but they found help pretty quick and were out of here in no time, which pleased the busy drivers.
And, of course, everyday is a special day when Leo is here.  We love Leo heaps!
Leo woken up for a quick pose.
Immediately knocks out again.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Being up to Date is Not an Anachronism

You have arrived to Update City, where the current doesn't shock.
We've been getting shipments galore here at Danny's Warehouse.  If you are local, you should come over and see all the new dance tops, costumes, shorts, skorts, tights, and other great dance gear.  If you are not local, check out the new stuff here.
We have Over the Boot Skating tights for $7!  Whut?!
And just yesterday, we received a glorious shipment from AMB Designs, one of our favorite companies, of tissue tops, also known as nylon layering tops.  
Colors up the yin yang.

Unfortunately, they are too diverse to put on the website, but if you can make it in, go nuts!
Another update:
Our precious warehouse cat, Leo Capezio, was neutered this week.
A caged portrait in the waiting room of the vet.
He survived the procedure and was cared for by an employee, and yesterday, he was brought back to work!  He was eccstatic to be back!
Folks, this is a short one.  I'm still seeking pics of everyone wearing Danny's Warehouse dance gear, so if you want to send them over, here's the email address.  It's
Until next week, dancers!  Hearts and gold stars for all, rainbows, too.