Thursday, May 23, 2013

Summertime Ice Skating is an (almost) Oxymoron We Can Live With

First off, we would like to welcome our new Mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti.  We hope the coming years will be prosperous and beneficial to all of LA LA land!

The topic of last week's blog is sort of bleeding onto this one, considering we we've come down with ice skating fever here at Danny's Warehouse!
The walls abound!

 Our old costume room is now the Ice Skating Room aka. Figure Skating Room.
We have so much great skate apparel right now.  I say "right now" because all good things must come to an end, and everything is being sold so quickly.  We still have some size small adult ice skating dresses; the rest are children's sizes.  There is a fantastic variety of skating skorts still available, too.

No such thing as too blingy!

Last, but not least, WE RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF VINTAGE FIGURE SKATES! And, yes, we are selling them in-store for only $10!  They are high quality vintage skates by Riedell.  Here is a list of champion ice skaters From Wikipedia who wear Riedell skates: 
Pretty impressive, huh?  Well if you don't think so, you must not skate!  We also have a FULL size range of Over The Boot skating tights in nudes and black in both adult and child sizes, only $5 each. ZOMG! 

The Tower of Skates.
And, of course, Leo.

Parisian Fashion model-like.
Las Vegas showgirl style.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Contribution to the Sartorial Aspects of Ice Skating and Odd Days Out

The most normal thing about today was the Hump Day delivery, even though that is but a coincedence, also.
Strange days happen once in a blue moon (ok, maybe a little bit more often than every two or three years, but you know, hyperbole and colloquialisms!)
This is what has happened so far (and we've only been open an hour and fifteen minutes!):
First, a peahen, female peacock, greeted Danny at the front door this morning.  What a special treat.  We don't know much about her, except that she could fly, seemed healthy, and didn't care to stick around too long.  Pretty sure she was not interested in purchasing a leotard, but, peacock, please know, you are welcome anytime!

What shall we name her if she returns?

Then the delivery truck came and delivered extraordinarily majestic skating dresses (not hyperbole!).  These are fine quality dresses for skating by the French Canadian company called Mondor.  The unusual part is that they are $20 each, still a rock bottom bargain considering they are triple the price at other retailers.  Yup, only 20 USD for these fine pieces of craftsmanship (or craftswomanship!).  They will not be available online, so if you see one you like, give us a ring and see if we have it in your size!
Front of sparkly purple dress
Back of sparkly purple dress

High quality stretch velvet.
This one is by Body Wrappers.
The array.
Did I forget to mention the plethora of ice skating skorts?

The delivery truck broke down in the alley, but they found help pretty quick and were out of here in no time, which pleased the busy drivers.
And, of course, everyday is a special day when Leo is here.  We love Leo heaps!
Leo woken up for a quick pose.
Immediately knocks out again.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Being up to Date is Not an Anachronism

You have arrived to Update City, where the current doesn't shock.
We've been getting shipments galore here at Danny's Warehouse.  If you are local, you should come over and see all the new dance tops, costumes, shorts, skorts, tights, and other great dance gear.  If you are not local, check out the new stuff here.
We have Over the Boot Skating tights for $7!  Whut?!
And just yesterday, we received a glorious shipment from AMB Designs, one of our favorite companies, of tissue tops, also known as nylon layering tops.  
Colors up the yin yang.

Unfortunately, they are too diverse to put on the website, but if you can make it in, go nuts!
Another update:
Our precious warehouse cat, Leo Capezio, was neutered this week.
A caged portrait in the waiting room of the vet.
He survived the procedure and was cared for by an employee, and yesterday, he was brought back to work!  He was eccstatic to be back!
Folks, this is a short one.  I'm still seeking pics of everyone wearing Danny's Warehouse dance gear, so if you want to send them over, here's the email address.  It's
Until next week, dancers!  Hearts and gold stars for all, rainbows, too.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Cat From Outer Space?

Nine lives and three cheers for Leo Capezio!

Everybody needs a home on this planet.  Leo Capezio may or may not have come from the Feline World of the Striped, Domestripedcattus, here to Danny's Warehouse's backyard, where the alley is.  Since he came to us at the gate asking for a home, we were sure he was on Earth to stay.  Here, he is considered an American Shorthair, aka. a Tabby. 
Finely striped.

We weren’t sure about him at first: friend or foe?  An alien cat should always be observed first! 
It turns out he is a leader of his clowder, but became separated because he chose to hang out at Danny’s Warehouse and be called Leo (short for Leotard) Capezio instead of his original name we will never know because it is not to be spoken.  None of his mates wanted to loiter among leotards, dance clothes, and costumes like he does, so they left him here.
He's a rebel.

We saw his glowing, generally happy disposition, atypical for Earthlings of his species and we enthusiastically received his company.  
Good looking and happy; the whole package!

He is welcomed by all the humans and a can of food whenever he decides to show up, which is about 2-3 times per week. 

Wet food is his favorite.
Leo(tard) Capezio manages to get food from our alley neighbors down the way, he must eat a lot!
At the time of his visits, he has a “stupidizing” effect on people.  The closer a human gets to him, the lower the IQ of the human becomes, so that when one is close enough, the speech of the affected human is high-pitched and nonsensical.  Here is a chart that shows this from :  

The rest of the time he is doing who-knows-what wherever, but as long as he continues to visit, we will love him.  If you know where his Earth family is, send us a signal and let us know : )

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Post, Post Earth Day

Yesterday, the 22 of April, was International Earth Day.  Here at Danny’s Warehouse, we try to make efforts everyday in celebration of Earth.  All our actions pertaining to the business are carefully thought out, the goal being to minimize our impact to the environment.
We all know by just living on Earth and going about our daily lives, there is a certain amount of wear and tear on Earth that is to be expected.  One of the best things we can do is to be aware of how much you are impacting the environment and to try to minimize the damage we all make as individuals.
When you BYOBags to Danny's Warehouse, somewhere a plastic tree smiles.

I am not referring to the consumerist “green” movement, which is basically “buy this product to save the planet”.  That is a marketing tool to sell things.  Here at Danny’s, we are genuinely concerned about minimizing our impact, which is why we encourage our customers to bring reusable bags (we gave up plastic bags years ago!). 

Our lonely recycling bin said farewell to friend, Trash bin, two years ago.
Where broken hangers and plastic go to await revitalization.
 We also run on 100% recycling, helping locals in our community collect cardboard and plastic.  Sometimes our backyard gets stacked up pretty high with boxes, but then again, that’s when we know it’s time to call Jesus. 
Time to call Jesus!

We had all of our warehouse lighting replaced recently, and now we run on energy-efficient LED bulbs, they look great, too. 
Lights over the TuTu Tree.
All of our office supplies are sustainable products when possible, and we reuse shoeboxes to ship our customers your fabulous dance apparel!  Last, but not least, most of the staff here are vegan (our favorite local restaurants are Native Foods and The Grain Café) or vegetarians (whilst here, anyway!) and 2/5ths drive Prii (plural of a Prius, lol) and another 2/5ths carpool. We even carpool our shipments here to Los Angeles, hitchhiking leotards and all our other dance apparel on trucks that are already headed over here, piggyback- style. Because we give a hoot!  Green is a lifestyle, NOT a fad!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Danny's Warehouse clothes the stars!

Here at Danny's Warehouse, we like to brag.  We like to brag about our customers, our prices, our merchandise, and our excellent customer service.  It's quite difficult to be humble when the store is abuzz with excitement everyday; exclamations about how amazing the prices, the quality, the selection, etc...  A sort of pride builds, especially when people the world over are coveting our affordable dance apparel!  Based here in lovely Los Angeles, the glitzy center of all things filmed, we work with many television and movie industry costume departments.  So boast we will, and so we will begin by displaying a blurb about Sasha Torres, Fanny's character on ABC's show, Bunheads:
  "This skirt I really love. When you see that dance, it's really beautiful. I got it at Danny's Warehouse, which is where the manufacturers dump their overages. We get a lot of the warm-up clothes from there. It's fitting Sasha has that on because it sort of goes from dark to light, which is what she wanted to relate. It's one of Fanny's darkest days, but eventually she is going to have a lot of light and happiness in her life again."

What a great shout out! Thank you, Brenda Maben, it was our pleasure, truly.  Now to try and fit our head out that door...

Friday, April 12, 2013

Moments in Recent Times Past Convey Hope for an Entertaining Future

When the mood, the costumes, the lighting, the makeup, the attitude, and did I say the costumes, are all a perfect melding of an entertaining unique moment in time- this is what that looks like:
Edgy cabaret style.

Pictured: Orange Two-tier Skort on left, Lime green costume unitard on right

Exciting ensemble <3
 Wish we could have been there, but so glad we got a feel through these great pictures.  Thanks, Isla!

Send over your pictures of yourself in Danny's Warehouse outfits:
I'm waiiiiting......

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Sweet Chaos of New Deliveries

We are going (figuratively) mad here at Danny's Warehouse.  Why?  Because today, boring hump day transformed into Delivery Day!  We received the SPECTACULAR shipment of costumes we had been anticipating for a couple weeks now.
We're like, "ERMAHGERD!!!Look at this one! OMGERD!!!This one's SOOO CUTE!"
 Unpacking them is the ultimate work entertainment, opening boxes and then more boxes to see the surprise disguises within.
There are ballet tutu's, skate dresses, peacock costumes, rainbow clown ensembles, and so much more!
Energy is uber high whilst organizing this great merch!
Also, tons of hats!
 When we are finished inventory, photo shoots, displaying, describing, and listing them, the hats will be available for shipment ASAP! That is like now!! Check 'em out at: Danny's Warehouse Hats
The excitement and anticipation continues here as we await 4, that's FOUR more shipments this week and next.  Tights galore, more costumes, ballet shoes, and other miscellany are on their way as I type.  *sigh*  New shipments are the BEST!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Meet Lauren, ace dancer and star Danny's Warehouse customer

Lauren has style, obviously, and she works it at Danny's Warehouse!  Our dance pants and tops look stellar on her.  Thanks, Lauren!
WOW! Rad moves in pinstripes and hoodie crop costume top.

Mixing and matching, and doing it well.

Pants that flow, paired with polka dots and a head accessory done right!

Show us what you can do with your Danny's Warehouse finds!  Send your pictures to:

Monday, March 25, 2013

More Peak Performances!

Check out these dancers wearing dance apparel from Danny's Warehouse!  Masterful mix and matching happened here...Thanks, Denise!  Keep 'em dancing!

"The girls went to competition last weekend and won 1st place in solo prop (flowers), 1st place in solo prop mascot (bikinni), 3rd place mascot jazz (green outfit), white dress 1st place dance, duet w/blue sparkle tops (performance), & duet 1st place dance (yellow)."

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Proud of Our Sparkling Customers!

We are so proud of the way these creative women in Tennessee used the dance apparel from Danny's Warehouse!  The costumes they created with the leotards, skorts, and other separates shine.  They WON the dance competition!  Of course they did, look at them...

From Kathryn:
"I was Simba:) The red leos are tribal people that we added to "tell the story". The black leos are the hyenas. Blue skirts monkeys. Stripey shirts are lions. Blue leos are birds."

Thank you, Kathryn!

Keep the pictures coming!
Send your pictures of yourselves wearing dance outfits from Danny's Warehouse to: