Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pitter pat Patrick's Day at Danny's!

It's another Sunday here at Danny's Warehouse.  People are wearing their greens, it's a festive St. Patty's Day this weekend!  We have heaps of green leotards, and I'm sure many will be wearing green leotards today (and if you're not, you should be!)!  There is a marathon here in Los Angeles as well and Danny's Warehouse is the go-to place for active wear that is definitely clothes on the backs of many a marathon runner!  Looking good, road runners!
We're contemplating a section for the blog to showcase our customers wearing their Danny's Warehouse scores.  How cool would it be to have St. Patty's Day and marathon links of festive people in their Danny's gear?  In fact, go ahead and send us your pictures, we'll put up the favorites.  Any Danny's Warehouse gettup will do!  Perhaps you can raid the $1 costumes and put together a rad outfit *just* so that you can end up on this blog!  You might become famous!
Show me your leotards!

1 comment:

  1. Sure enough, the next day, Paddy calls again. .... As poor Pat wanders by, up from behind a tombstone she jumps in a red devil costume screaming, ... "Here's one named Patrick O'Toole, it says here that ... Every time you turn around the pitter-pattering stops and that green fire hydrant seems to have gotten a little closer. reviews
