Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Post, Post Earth Day

Yesterday, the 22 of April, was International Earth Day.  Here at Danny’s Warehouse, we try to make efforts everyday in celebration of Earth.  All our actions pertaining to the business are carefully thought out, the goal being to minimize our impact to the environment.
We all know by just living on Earth and going about our daily lives, there is a certain amount of wear and tear on Earth that is to be expected.  One of the best things we can do is to be aware of how much you are impacting the environment and to try to minimize the damage we all make as individuals.
When you BYOBags to Danny's Warehouse, somewhere a plastic tree smiles.

I am not referring to the consumerist “green” movement, which is basically “buy this product to save the planet”.  That is a marketing tool to sell things.  Here at Danny’s, we are genuinely concerned about minimizing our impact, which is why we encourage our customers to bring reusable bags (we gave up plastic bags years ago!). 

Our lonely recycling bin said farewell to friend, Trash bin, two years ago.
Where broken hangers and plastic go to await revitalization.
 We also run on 100% recycling, helping locals in our community collect cardboard and plastic.  Sometimes our backyard gets stacked up pretty high with boxes, but then again, that’s when we know it’s time to call Jesus. 
Time to call Jesus!

We had all of our warehouse lighting replaced recently, and now we run on energy-efficient LED bulbs, they look great, too. 
Lights over the TuTu Tree.
All of our office supplies are sustainable products when possible, and we reuse shoeboxes to ship our customers your fabulous dance apparel!  Last, but not least, most of the staff here are vegan (our favorite local restaurants are Native Foods and The Grain Café) or vegetarians (whilst here, anyway!) and 2/5ths drive Prii (plural of a Prius, lol) and another 2/5ths carpool. We even carpool our shipments here to Los Angeles, hitchhiking leotards and all our other dance apparel on trucks that are already headed over here, piggyback- style. Because we give a hoot!  Green is a lifestyle, NOT a fad!

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