Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Cat From Outer Space?

Nine lives and three cheers for Leo Capezio!

Everybody needs a home on this planet.  Leo Capezio may or may not have come from the Feline World of the Striped, Domestripedcattus, here to Danny's Warehouse's backyard, where the alley is.  Since he came to us at the gate asking for a home, we were sure he was on Earth to stay.  Here, he is considered an American Shorthair, aka. a Tabby. 
Finely striped.

We weren’t sure about him at first: friend or foe?  An alien cat should always be observed first! 
It turns out he is a leader of his clowder, but became separated because he chose to hang out at Danny’s Warehouse and be called Leo (short for Leotard) Capezio instead of his original name we will never know because it is not to be spoken.  None of his mates wanted to loiter among leotards, dance clothes, and costumes like he does, so they left him here.
He's a rebel.

We saw his glowing, generally happy disposition, atypical for Earthlings of his species and we enthusiastically received his company.  
Good looking and happy; the whole package!

He is welcomed by all the humans and a can of food whenever he decides to show up, which is about 2-3 times per week. 

Wet food is his favorite.
Leo(tard) Capezio manages to get food from our alley neighbors down the way, he must eat a lot!
At the time of his visits, he has a “stupidizing” effect on people.  The closer a human gets to him, the lower the IQ of the human becomes, so that when one is close enough, the speech of the affected human is high-pitched and nonsensical.  Here is a chart that shows this from http://xkcd.com/231/ :  

The rest of the time he is doing who-knows-what wherever, but as long as he continues to visit, we will love him.  If you know where his Earth family is, send us a signal and let us know : )

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